The problem of hyperhidrosis has been long passed over. However, recently, more and more often people suffering from this disorder as well as doctors have been mentioning this issue openly and looking for ways to manage it.

Sweating is one of the most important ways of losing heat by our organism. It is a normal phenomenon in high temperatures, during increased physical effort as well as when we are nervous, scared, anxious or under great strain. Hot and spicy foods or drinks increase sweating. In this way each organism regulates its temperature.

People struggling with hyperhidrosis excrete sweat in an amount highly exceeding the one necessary for body temperature regulation. Hyperhidrosis is a common problem. It is estimated that even 1% of the population suffers from one of its variations. The problems usually appear after the age of 20 or 30. About one third to half the people struggling with hyperhidrosis have someone with the same problem in their family. Therefore, there is a basis to suppose that hyperhidrosis can have a genetic basis. Hyperhidrosis is a result of hyperactivity of one kind of sweat glands belonging to exocrine glands. The glands are located on nearly entire surface of the body, however, they are particularly numerous on the palms, feet and underarms.

Hyperhidrosis is very troublesome, unpleasant and embarrassing. It is a huge problem for those suffering from it. It frequently becomes an obstacle in their professional environments, contacts with other people and personal lives. It makes them avoid contacts with the surrounding world and feel stressed out during meetings – they keep on thinking about how awkward it will be to shake a sweaty hand or about how big the stains under their arms are. Of course, it influences their psychological condition. Therefore, hyperhidrosis is frequently accompanied by anxiety and depression neurosis as well as movement compulsions. Frequently family, friends or even doctors cannot understand how badly hyperhidrosis can influence the emotional state of the person struggling with it. Hand and foot hyperhidrosis may lead to epidermis maceration, trophic changes and derivative infections.

Traditional treatment of hyperhidrosis is difficult and ineffective. Use of antiperspirants, iontophoresis, antimuscarinic drugs, beta-blocker drugs, tranquilizers, relaxation techniques, psychotherapy or acupuncture show brief effects or are burdened with numerous side effects. The method that gives quick results and long-time effectiveness as well as significantly improves the quality of the life of patients affected by hyperhidrosis is treatment with use of botulinum toxin.

It is a highly purified protein complex derived from type A botulinum toxin created by bacteria Clostridium botulinum. For over 40 years of use of type A botulinum toxin in neurological therapy (in treatment of torticollis and in children with cerebral palsy), numerous tests and detailed clinical examination confirmed that it is a safe and effective substance. Therefore, it was decided that its use should be extended to ophthalmology and dermatology. For 30 years botulinum toxin has been applied in ophthalmology in treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm. Its application in esthetic dermatology allows for correction of mimic wrinkles.

In treatment of hyperhidrosis botulinum toxin has been used with good and very good effects for over ten years now. Admittedly, it does not cure the reasons for hyperhidrosis, however, it effectively eliminates its symptoms, as it paralyzes cholinergic nerve endings and thus prevents excessive sweat excretion.

Treatment with use of botulinum toxin is a simple and easy way to fight hyperhidrosis of underarms, feet, palms and face. It is preceded by detailed examination of intensity of sweat excretion in the area treated, which increases effectiveness of the procedure. The procedure, depending on the area treated, takes usually 20 to 40 minutes. Some pain is inevitable, however, usually special anesthesia is not necessary. Topical anesthesia is applied in treatment of hand, foot and underarm hyperhidrosis. After the procedure one does not need to preserve any special safety measures and can resume his or her everyday activities right after it. Visible effects of the procedure, that is reduction of sweat excretion, appear after 24 hours to 7 days. Effects of the therapy last for about six to ten months in the underarm area and for four to six months in the hand area. No significant side effects have been observed.

Botulinum toxin allows for elimination for this embarrassing problem when other measures have failed. For many people suffering great discomfort from hyperhidrosis the information about the possibility of treatment with use of type A botulinum toxin can change the quality of their lives.


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